Music monologue
St. Birgitta is portrayed by Sandra Ottander.
As the title suggests, ”Moments from my life - Saint Bridget”, is conceived as short film sequences and the
music played during the monologue reinforces the feeling of a film.
The play is performed in a room within the room in the Abbey Church, conceived as a chamber play to bring the audience
even closer. The musical monologue about St Birgitta is performed from a newly written script by Sandra Ottander.
The script is written from St Bridget's inner perspective. What happens in a person's spiritual life when she is faced
with major life choices? What are her thoughts and feelings?
The audience gets to follow Birgitta's emotional life, which makes her more alive.
28, 29 June 19.00 (in swedish)
5, 6 July 19.00 (in swedish)
11, 12, 13 July 19.00 (in swedish)
2, 3 August 19.00 (in english)
9, 10 August 19.00 (in english)
23, 24 August 19.00 (in english)
Admission: Adults 190 SEK, youth up to 15 years: free.
Biljetter: Salver
Place: The Saviour's Choir, Vadstena Abbey church
Arrangör: Enigma Whatstone Productions